Wednesday, April 13, 2016

When did I grow up ma....

You would give me bournvita at 6am while I was half asleep...

I got up today at 7am and made myself a tea while brushing my teeth and folding my bed...
When did I grow up ma...
I would make a face when you prepared some dish I did not like...
I fixed myself a half cooked lunch with extra salt and filled my stomach in peace...
When did I grow up ma...

You used to separate my dried clothes for laundry and iron the delicate ones..
I used to ransack the wardrobe for a top and crumple the ironing....
Fridays nights I laundry and Sundays I iron, I fold them neat and remove them patiently...
When did I grow up ma...
You had opened an account on my name and used to put money for savings while I hadn't the slightest clue...
I keep accounts every month in an excel sheet and count every pie i can save today...
When did I grow up ma...
When my Teacher scolded me or I had a fight with my best friend, I'd rush to hug you and you'd just hug me back and make my favorite dish that day...
My boss scolded me today for no fault of mine...I wept in the washroom and went on with the day...
When did I grow up ma...
I would throw tantrums to go to the music class while you tried to explain how important it would be...
I sing songs in the evenings to lift up my mood...
When did I grow up ma...
You and dad would explain me the routes to a place 15min from home over and over again yet I used to get lost and call you up...
I traveled across 7 seas to unknown cities in trains and buses here...

When did I grow up ma...
I used to sit and play while dad made plans about a great vacation every year..
I am already planning and budgeting your visit here 1 year to go now...
When did I grow up ma...
The only utensils I used were plates and spoons to relish your food without a thanks..
Now I cook and wash and dry and arrange....cooker,pans,plates and spoons...
When did I grow up ma...
When we got a house, all I did was look around the walls, the garden and stalls..
Today I think of getting one and dream about staying with you and pa..
When did I grow up ma...
I don't know if I am glad I grew up or miss those things so much....
But I'll always be your kid ma.

1 comment:

  1. Ananth- well described about mother. iam posting it to my BlogSpot.
